
Γνωρίζετε αν διατρέχετε κίνδυνο οστεοπόρωσης;:

Τι είναι το σύνδρομο CREST;

Calcinosis is evident in the fingers of this patient with the CREST variant of systemic sclerosis. The calcinosis appears as irregular, hard nodules. In places, the overlying skin is thin, and the underlying calcific material appears as small yellowish patches. Surrounding areas of erythema and tenderness may accompany these lesions. At the tip of the index finger is a healing ulcer from which calcific material was previously extruded. This finger also demonstrates distal pulp atrophy.

Who is who


Συλλογή Φωτογραφιών

Τι είναι ο ρευματολόγος

Βότανα-Φυσικές ουσίες