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Ηωσινοφιλική περιτονιίτιδα (2)

Ηωσινοφιλική περιτονιίτιδα (2)
εικόνες με ρευματολογική θεματολογία

Ηωσινοφιλική περιτονιίτιδα (2)

Eosinophilic fasciitis is characterized by the acute or subacute development of induration of the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the forearms, flank, and upper legs. The hands and face are usually spared, and Raynaud phenomenon is usually absent. Autoimmune anemia, eosinophilia and hypergammaglobulinemia are variably present. Considered by some to be a variant of scleroderma or morphea, the predominantly subcutaneous and muscular involvement produces a less smooth and taut appearance to the skin than does scleroderma. The groove sign or vertically linear depressions following the course of vessels occurs between muscle groups.

Who is who


Συλλογή Φωτογραφιών

Τι είναι ο ρευματολόγος

Βότανα-Φυσικές ουσίες